Twitter: IsraelssonTommi
LinkedIn: Tommi Israelsson
Github: zer0problem
Console development
Procedural content generation
Backend programming
Student Mentor
Group: Pivot Studio 2.0
Engine: RiktigMotor
TGA Projects:
Project Rothera
Other projects
This was the project I started with the engine RiktigMotor this is not the page where I go into those details.
Besides the engine and it’s features I also worked on an editor for visual effects, used for pretty much every torch,fire and ability effects in the game. example and result
I also worked on all the player abilities and interactions.
This project was mostly the engine for me, check that out instead.
This was my introduction to graphics APIs, the school introduced us to DirectX and a few rendering techniques. Some of the later techniques include shadow mapping and skeletal animations.
There was also a lot of communication with artists to make sure everything looked the same in-engine as during their workflow. Much more communication with artists to lower the amount of non-artistry things they have to do to see their creations in-game.