Tommi Israelsson

Twitter: IsraelssonTommi
LinkedIn: Tommi Israelsson
Github: zer0problem

Console development
Procedural content generation
Backend programming
Student Mentor

Group: Pivot Studio 2.0
Engine: RiktigMotor
TGA Projects:
Project Rothera

Other projects

Project 6 - Eclipse

Contributions to this project

This was the project I started with the engine RiktigMotor this is not the page where I go into those details.
Besides the engine and it’s features I also worked on an editor for visual effects, used for pretty much every torch,fire and ability effects in the game. example and result
I also worked on all the player abilities and interactions.

This project was mostly the engine for me, check that out instead.

What I learned

This was my introduction to graphics APIs, the school introduced us to DirectX and a few rendering techniques. Some of the later techniques include shadow mapping and skeletal animations.

There was also a lot of communication with artists to make sure everything looked the same in-engine as during their workflow. Much more communication with artists to lower the amount of non-artistry things they have to do to see their creations in-game.